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We’ve had a ton of awesome groups come sort for us recently! Groups from Texas Tech American Medical Women’s Association , Frenship LEO Club and the TTU Criminal Law Association have all sorted with us before. We also had a new group from TTU Sigma Iota Epsilon and a group of individual volunteers.

For the first time in many, many months, we are completely caught up! All of our inventory is completely sorted and ready to go on racks.

Thank you to all our amazing volunteers for helping us achieve this!

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In order to spend some quality time with our kiddos this week, we will be on a donation freeze until Wednesday, March 22nd. We will continue to fill orders for foster parents during this time. We hope you have a great spring break!

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This past weekend, the Texas Tech School of Law joined us once again for their annual Day of Service. This group accomplished so much we had to find more for them to do! At the end of the day, they sorted about 150 bags of clothes and 7 bins of shoes. We are feeling so organized after their visit and we always appreciate their hard work.

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At Caleb’s Closet, we love and support those coming into care, as well as those providing foster care. We provide children in foster care with free clothing, toys, personal care products, baby items, and other essential needs.


When children enter foster care, they often arrive at their new homes with only the clothing on their backs. We provide these children with a new duffel bag or suitcase filled with clothing, basic essentials and other comfort items, thereby sending these children a message that they are valued and cared for by our community.

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Valerie: 806-438-0446

Andrea: 806-317-8462


© 2023 Caleb's Closet

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