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Meet Taylor


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In January 2017, T was placed in our home one Tuesday evening. He had a trash bag of belongings, consisting of a few outfits sizes 6-7. He was 3 years old. The only clothes he had that fit him were the dirty, tattered shirt and pants he was wearing. He made himself at home pretty quickly, which we first thought was pretty cool of him. We found out that he was in the 6th home environment of his life, so he had learned to adapt rapidly. Since first removed from his birth parents as an infant, he had been shuffled between family members and foster homes, spending a few months back with one of his parents before being removed and shuffled around again.

Though he adapted to our home pretty quickly on the surface, T spent weeks waking up multiple times per night. He was often crying, but sometimes he was screaming from night terrors. By the age of 3, this kid had experienced and witnessed situations no kid should ever have to go through- abuse, sexual acts, drug use, and neglect.

When he came to our home, we needed clothes, toys, and some dignity for this young man. Caleb’s Closet provided T with all the essentials and several extras, along with support and friendship from the two ladies who founded the organization.

Our home, our family, is the longest he has ever spent with one family unit. He’s almost 5 now, and we were able to adopt him earlier this year. He asks us regularly if he can stay with us forever. We will probably spend the rest of his life reassuring him that he’s not going anywhere without us.

Now that he’s adopted into our family, he will never have to be without. You might even say he’s a tiny bit spoiled. 😊 Through it all, we are teaching T what it means to give back to kids who, like him, have no belongings. He has learned by example what it means to be part of a community, helping those most vulnerable among us.

– Liz McKinney, Caleb’s Closet Board Member

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At Caleb’s Closet, we love and support those coming into care, as well as those providing foster care. We provide children in foster care with free clothing, toys, personal care products, baby items, and other essential needs.


When children enter foster care, they often arrive at their new homes with only the clothing on their backs. We provide these children with a new duffel bag or suitcase filled with clothing, basic essentials and other comfort items, thereby sending these children a message that they are valued and cared for by our community.

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Valerie: 806-438-0446

Andrea: 806-317-8462


© 2023 Caleb's Closet

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